Debian Packages

The packages for Debian are now available in the downloads section thanks to Santiago and Sander. Happy Birthday Sander!


I presented GnomeMeeting and gave an overview of the H.323 protocol at FOSDEM in february, and at GUADEC in Seville last week. The talks are now uploaded on Basically, the GUADEC talk is a revision and an improvement over the FOSDEM talk. It is however a nice overview of what GnomeMeeting is able to do, what is a gatekeeper, and so on...

License modification

Next release will bring a license changement for GnomeMeeting. That release will remain free, but the source code will not be available anymore. Robert VanDijk will continue the development of GnomeMeeting, while I will concentrate on other things. The Linux version will remain free of charge, but major developments will now be done on the Windows version. The new snapshot for Windows should be available in one week, the Linux snapshot should follow for the end of next month.
Update: You can stop e-mailing me, it was the traditional 1st april fool ;-)

Masquerading and GnomeMeeting + ARGO

How to use GnomeMeeting with masquerading and without the problems of NAT?
My colleague released today a new version of RSIP. RSIP is a full alternative to the NAT that doesn't rewrite the packets. It works with GnomeMeeting without any effort. Client and server are available at:
Our ILS server is currently down. It should be back in the next hours. Please try to use it and to register on it if you are using GnomeMeeting. Thanks.

Slackware Packages

Vincent has built Slackware packages for GnomeMeeting 0.85 aka "Abre los Ojos". They are available at the usual place.


The package has been updated and now contains a script to install the gconf schema properly on your system. Run that script as root.

GnomeMeeting 0.85 aka "Abre los Ojos"

GnomeMeeting 0.85 is available in the download section of It is mainly a bugfixes release but it also provides a few UI enhancements.


You need to update to the versions of OpenH323 and PWLib found on this website

Fabrice + FAQ

Today, it is the birthday of Fabrice Alphonso, one of the GnomeMeeting contributors. Happy birthday Fabrice!
The FAQ has been updated. More updates to come!

GnomeMeeting 0.84 aka "The FOSDEM Release"

GnomeMeeting 0.84 aka "The FOSDEM Release" has been released today. You can download it at the usual place (some packages are still missing). Please report all problems to the mailing list.
New features include:

- GnomeMeeting to GnomeMeeting text chat support
- New GUI and new icons thanks to Jakub Steiner aka jimmac
- Rewritten preferences dialog
- GConf support
- Instant apply of all the settings, even during calls
- New options


First of all, GnomeMeeting won the Information Technology Prize from the Belgian Journalists on Information Technology. That is a good news for me. You can read more about it in the press release from Equivalence in this e-mail.

Next release

The next release of the OpenH323 stack will fix the video refresh problem encountered when being in a call with a netmeeting user. There is a small API change in the stack that will prevent GnomeMeeting to run with this new version. You will have to wait for the next release happening in a few weeks.
For those of you who missed me at the Linux Expo in Paris, you will have the possibility to learn more about GnomeMeeting at FOSDEM (
On the ILS side, seems to not be up to date and to have several bugs. Please use our server instead.

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