The adventure continues...

This website had 11000 visits between monday (02/07/01) and friday (06/07/01) !
Feel free to contact me to submit patches, bugs, ... at [email protected], but don't expect a quick answer as I will be on vacation till the end of July.
A new FAQ is online.
Special thanks to Carlos Pardo for the Logo, to Cédric Valcke for the website, to Alex Larsson for the patches and the future rpm packages, to James Greenhalgh and Sander Smeenk for the debian packages and the inclusion of GnomeMeeting in Sid (apt-get install gnomemeeting), to Derek Smithies for his current work on GnomeMeeting, to Marc Lobelle for the hosting of this website and his help to permit to release GnomeMeeting as Free Software.
I'm sorry if I forgot to mention people here.
After my vacation, I will code on GnomeMeeting 0.9.2 to make it work with the current OpenH323 libraries (Alex has began to work on that), add options to select the Video Input, and permit to not use the applet.
